Brenda Blethyn, known for her portrayal of Detective Chief Inspector Vera Stanhope in the long-running ITV series Vera, has announced that she will be leaving the show after the upcoming festive episodes in 2025. The decision marks the end of her 14-year involvement in the popular British crime drama, where she has become a beloved figure. Blethyn’s departure comes as she embraces a semi-retired life to spend more time with her family and to reflect on the demanding nature of the work.
Blethyn, who is 78 years old, revealed that her decision to step away from Vera was motivated by a desire to prioritize family life. She had realized, after an especially meaningful summer in 2023, that she had not spent a summer with her husband for 14 years, due to her busy filming schedule. In an emotional reflection, she shared that she had greatly missed her family, including her dog Jack, who, although present in the North East where the show is filmed, was often neglected due to her long working hours.
Blethyn also spoke about the unique nature of her role in Vera, expressing deep affection for the series and its cast. She explained that she had actually planned to leave the show after the 13th series, but was persuaded by ITV to return for the final season, which will air in two parts in January 2025. Despite her initial desire to retire, Blethyn agreed to take part in these last two episodes to help conclude the series, feeling that it was important to wrap up the story properly.
The decision to leave the show also comes as part of Blethyn’s shift to a more relaxed and semi-retired lifestyle. She mentioned that she no longer wishes to take on jobs that require long periods away from home. Filming Vera has been a significant commitment for her, requiring extensive travel throughout the North East of England, a region known for its beautiful landscapes but demanding in terms of time and energy. Blethyn acknowledged the difficulty of filming in various locations, particularly the many miles she traveled early in the morning to shoot scenes. While she appreciated the beauty of the region, the constant need to work while on location meant she couldn’t fully enjoy the sights. Still, she expressed her fondness for the places they filmed, describing the people as warm and welcoming.
Blethyn’s final two episodes will see Vera filmed in and around the River Tyne, where the plot revolves around the discovery of a young man’s body. She shared her admiration for the diverse and rich scenery of the North East, highlighting how the region’s seascapes, landscapes, and historical sites have played a crucial role in the show’s atmosphere. Vera has always been tied closely to the Northumberland region, and Blethyn acknowledged that while she would have liked to see a storyline set in her own home in Kent, the setting had to remain true to the show’s roots in the North East.
The final episodes will feature the return of familiar faces, including David Leon as DI Joe Ashworth, Jon Morrison as DC Kenny Lockhart, Riley Jones as DC Mark Edwards, and Sarah Kameela Impey as Dr. Paula Bennett. Blethyn hinted at the emotional nature of the final scenes, especially one between Vera and DC Lockhart, which she described as heartbreaking to film. The two episodes will be based on The Dark Wives, the 11th and most recent book in the Vera series by Ann Cleeves. The show will air on ITV1 and STV on January 1 and 2, 2025, with a special documentary, Vera Farewell Pet, airing the following day.
The finale will not only mark the end of Blethyn’s tenure on Vera, but also celebrate the series as a whole. At the wrap party, Cleeves herself attended, and the cast commemorated the end of an era with a cake shaped like Vera’s iconic Land Rover. Blethyn also took home some cherished mementos from the set, including Vera’s distinctive mac and hat, as well as a Montblanc pen gifted to her by the producers. These keepsakes serve as a reminder of the role that has defined much of her career.
Throughout her time on Vera, Blethyn has built a close relationship with her castmates, and she expressed her sadness at the thought of leaving them behind. The series has been a major part of her life for over a decade, and the bonds formed with her co-stars and the crew are something she will deeply miss. While filming the final episodes, she reflected on the journey she had been on with her colleagues and how their shared experiences on set had made the show extra special.
As Blethyn prepares to step away from Vera, fans of the show can look forward to the final two episodes that will air in early 2025. The special episodes will offer closure for the character of Vera Stanhope and a heartfelt goodbye to a character and series that have captured the hearts of many viewers over the years. Blethyn’s decision to retire from acting on this scale is a poignant one, but it reflects a well-deserved shift toward spending more time with loved ones after years of dedication to her craft. The finale of Vera promises to be an emotional farewell, not only to the character of Vera but also to Blethyn’s time in the role that has made her a household name.